Gate of Trajan fortress

ID: 12496

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: Yes
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 3.15 MB
  • Upload date: 06/21/2022
  • Last update: 07/05/2022
3d printable model of 6 parts of the fortress Gate of Trajan in Bulgaria.

The fortress, also known as Stenos and Stipon, was explored in 1975 during excavations led by Dimitrina Djonova. The building consisted of a courtyard, ground floor, 6 entrances and 3 inner towers. The date of the original construction of the fortress is unknown, and the first written information about it is from the III century .

The restored ravines in the pass are the remains of the fortress complex, built in the 5th century. The restoration was carried out by the municipality of Kostenets with funds from the OP "Regional Development". It is disputed due to violations in the construction works - deviations from the issued construction documents, non-compliance with the requirements for conservation and restoration, non-compliance with the authentic architectural and construction structure, etc.

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