Old Sofia Clocktower In Sofia and Bulgaria versions 2.0 6 parts

ID: 20968

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  • Multipart model: Yes
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 1.85 MB
  • Upload date: 01/16/2024
  • Last update: 01/16/2024
Old Sofia Clocktower In Sofia and Bulgaria versions 2.0 6 parts, before the Liberation, the hour was measured "in Turkish", but as early as 1878 the European clock was introduced. The capital inherited the old Ottoman clock tower (Sahat tower), which was then the only public clock in the city. It was located next to the konak (today's palace) and was "the fourth with a zinc roof, which looks like a giant candle extinguisher, and on top of a tin weather vane, painted red." According to Irecek, the building was weak, built of hedges and plaster. It was demolished in 1882, cut at the base and demolished.

Стара софийска часовникова кула В софия и българия Преди Освобождението часът се измервал „по турски”, но още от 1878 година се въвежда европейското часоброене. Столицата наследила старата османска часовникова кула (Сахат куле), която тогава била единственият обществен часовник в града. Тя се намирала в непосредствена близост до конака (днешния дворец) и била „четвъртита с цинков покрив, който прави впечатление на гигантски гасител на свещ, а отгоре с тенекиен ветропоказалец, боядисан в червено”. Според Иречек постройката била слаба, изградена от плет и мазилка. Съборена е още през 1882 година, пресечена в основата и повалена.

sorse http://stara-sofia.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post_20.html Note;

This is my interpretation of this tower, there are no legible photos found and I reconstructed it from an old painting.
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