Total 189 3D models

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Price range: $0 - $1000

Tag Name: anatomy

Human male genitalia Human male genitalia
Human male genitalia 3dscanning-anatomy


Human left lung Human left lung
Human left lung 3dscanning-anatomy


Human Liver Human Liver
Human Liver 3dscanning-anatomy


Small and large Intestine Small and large Intestine
Small and large Intestine 3dscanning-anatomy


Human heart Human heart
Human heart 3dscanning-anatomy


Gallbladder Gallbladder
Gallbladder 3dscanning-anatomy


Skeleton Pelican Skeleton Pelican
Skeleton Pelican natural-heritage


Monster shout Monster shout
Monster shout planemo333


Human Heart Human Heart
Human Heart planemo333


Feet with eyes Feet with eyes
Feet with eyes bogdan-sasile


Human Skull from CT scan Human Skull from CT scan
Human Skull from CT scan camazine


Human Tooth Human Tooth
Human Tooth zbrushingmx


Left forearm and hand Left forearm and hand
Left forearm and hand camazine


Human Digestive System Human Digestive System
Human Digestive System camazine


human teeth human teeth
human teeth camazine


Human arm muscles Human arm muscles
Human arm muscles camazine


Human spine Human spine
Human spine camazine


Human male pelvis Human male pelvis
Human male pelvis camazine


Limbic system of brain Limbic system of brain
Limbic system of brain camazine


Hand bones Hand bones
Hand bones camazine
