V6 Twin Turbo Engine

ID: 9411

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  • File size: 37.06 MB
  • Upload date: 11/28/2020
  • Last update: 11/28/2020
V6 Twin Turbo Engine(Automobile's)

Haktan Yağmur
October 11th, 2020
A V6 engine is a six-cylinder piston engine where the cylinders share a common crankshaft and are arranged in a V configuration.

The first V6 prototype engine was produced in 1906, however it took until 1950 for the first automotive V6 engine to reach production. In the past 20 to 30 years, the V6 layout has become the most common layout for six-cylinder automotive engines.

Let's examine the 4-stroke engine, respectively:

First of all, the piston works. After the valves are opened, the piston moves up and down to fill the engine cylinder with fuel and air. The piston acts as a kind of pumping. The more gasoline is filled with air, the more efficiently the vehicle will run. As the fuel and air are compressed in the "up" movement of the piston, an explosion occurs. When it reaches the highest level, the spark plugs ignite the fuel and spark occurs. The downward movement of the piston opens the valves and directs the cylinder to the exhaust. The linear motion of the pistons in the up-down direction is converted into rotational motion by the crankshaft part. This movement causes the vehicle's tires to rotate.
V6 Twin Turbo Engine(Automobile's)

Haktan Yağmur

October 11th, 2020

Bir V6 motoru, silindirlerin ortak bir krank milini paylaştığı ve bir V konfigürasyonunda düzenlendiği altı silindirli bir pistonlu motordur.Sırasıyla 4 zamanlı motorun incelemesini yapalım:Öncelikle piston çalışır. Sübaplar açıldıktan sonra piston, motor silindirinin tamamen yakıt ve hava ile dolması amaçlı aşağı ve yukarı hareket eder. Piston bir çeşit pompalama işlevi görür. Benzin ne kadar çok hava ile dolarsa araç o kadar verimli çalışır. Pistonun "yukarı” hareketinde yakıt ve hava sıkıştığı için patlama gerçekleşir. En yüksek seviyeye ulaştığında ise bujiler yakıtı ateşler ve kıvılcım gerçekleşir. Patlamalar sıklaştığında ise piston "aşağı” hareket yapar. Pistonun aşağı doğru hareket etmesi sübapların açılmasını ve silindirin egzoza yönlenmesini sağlar. Pistonların yukarı-aşağı yönündeki doğrusal hareketi, krank mili parçası ile döngüsel harekete dönüştürülür. Bu hareket aracın lastiklerinin dönmesini sağlar." link-class="link color-blue text-big" read-more="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; box-sizing: border-box;" text-class="text-overflow">

A V6 engine is a six-cylinder piston engine where the cylinders share a common crankshaft and are arranged in a V configuration.

The first V6 prototype engine was produced in 1906, however it took until 1950 for the first automotive V6 engine to reach production. In the past 20 to 30 years, the V6 layout has become the most common layout for six-cylinder automotive engines.

Let's examine the 4-stroke engine, respectively:

First of all, the piston works. After the valves are opened, the piston moves up and down to fill the engine cylinder with fuel and air. The piston acts as a kind of pumping. The more gasoline is filled with air, the more efficiently the vehicle will run. As the fuel and air are compressed in the "up" movement of the piston, an explosion occurs. When it reaches the highest level, the spark plugs ignite the fuel and spark occurs. The downward movement of the piston opens the valves and directs the cylinder to the exhaust. The linear motion of the pistons in the up-down direction is converted into rotational motion by the crankshaft part. This movement causes the vehicle's tires to rotate.
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