ID: 9021

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 55.18 MB
  • Upload date: 05/22/2020
  • Last update: 05/22/2020
This is PrimoMaggio, a 3D printable DIY lampshade structure to be applied to any hanging light cord that you need to complete just inserting 36 barbecue bamboo sticks for the decorative part whose lenght can be customized ad lib.
This is PrimoMaggio, a 3D printable DIY lampshade structure to be applied to any hanging light cord that you need to complete just inserting 36 barbecue bamboo sticks for the decorative part whose lenght can be customized ad lib.

You can use any standard hanging light cord and a low temp bulb (such as a LED or cfl bulb) that can be of any shape and dimension. The lampshade can also be used as table/floor light just using a cord provided with a switch.

The lampshade is designed to be printed out of PLA material, having taken into account the technology and the way how the object is actually printed.

The design avoids using any support material and uses as little material as possible. The model was created in Rhinoceros 6.0 using and can be printed by any 3D printing software without any specific requirement.

Suggested settings:
• 0.2 mm to 0.4 mm Nozzle
• 25% infill
• No support
• High cooling.

You need to adopt the best retraction setting possible depending on your 3Dprinter. The file is suitable also for SLS/SLA 3D printing.

3D model size:
87 x 87 x 48 mm
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