Cute Spider Earrings

ID: 4861

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 11.93 MB
  • Upload date: 04/30/2016
  • Last update: 04/30/2016
Incy Wincy Spider crawled down the AHHHHHHH GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!
Spiders.  Fascinating creatures, even though they scare the living poo out of an awful lot of people.  But they can still be cute, although in my opinion they can be cute in cartoons and as toys but when they're big and crawling across my leg...... it's still rolled-up-newspaper-time.
For all you out there who aren't complete arachnophobes (I'm not one, I just don't like them) here's some cute cartoon spiders to hang from your earlobes.  Awwww, aren't they sweet....!
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