The Constellation Collection - Andromeda

ID: 4851

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 2.21 MB
  • Upload date: 04/27/2016
  • Last update: 04/27/2016
...How I wonder what you are...
The second piece in the Constellation Collection, this time depicting the constellation of Andromeda. (Okay, I know if you want to get REALLY picky one of those stars is actually the Andromeda Galaxy, but it was a bugger to try and depict that fact) When I originally designed these pieces they had stars which were pointy at the top and I thought I would upload an alternative version with a dip in the top so some form of jewel could be set into the star positions.  Then when I made the stars with the dips in I just decided they looked better than the pointy ones so I just stuck with those!
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