Roman Lion Statue

ID: 436

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: wrl
  • File size: 19.9 MB
  • Upload date: 04/17/2014
  • Last update: 04/17/2014
3D printing model of an Ancient Lion Statue with texture.
This is the remaining of a 3D printing model of an Ancient Lion Statue ready for 3D printing. The statue is made from limestone by unknown Roman sculptor from the 1 century AD. The original statue is exhibited in the archaeological museum of the Black Sea city of Varna.

The model is textured.

3D scanned with Artec Eva

This object is a cultural heritage exhibited in the Varna Archaeological Museum. The museum will receive a royalty from each sale of this model.

3D printing of this item must comply with the applicable legislation and must be with size different with at least 10% from the original and additional details should be added.
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