永不放棄never give up

ID: 4117

3D Model Details

  • Texture: Yes
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 9.35 MB
  • Upload date: 12/27/2015
  • Last update: 12/27/2015
This is a magical bookends
變色龍本為蜥蜴的一種,在遇到危險時,雖也可斷尾求生,但卻因行動速度過緩,沒有太大作用,因此它有其他求生的方式,變色便是他的獨門絕技,而現在這隻變色龍不但前腳斷了一指,還遭遇了書群的攻擊,但它卻並沒有放棄,依然變色為透明當你的書為紫色他便變成紫色,當書為藍色他便變成藍色 如此完美的書擋,豈有不買的道理。The chameleon is a lizard, in the face of danger, though can also be docked to survive, but because of the speed of action is too slow, there is not much function, so it has other ways to survive, discoloration is his unique skills, and now the little chameleon forefoot off not only a means, but also suffered a book group attack, but it did not give up, still discolored when you book a transparent purple he turned purple, blue book when he turned blue color so perfect bookends, Hath not buy the truth.
  • chameleon.perseverance.bookends.book
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