Food court (double hand)

ID: 3478

3D Model Details

  • Texture: Yes
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: wrl
  • File size: 8.65 MB
  • Upload date: 09/07/2015
  • Last update: 09/07/2015
Model of Food court (double hand).
Model of traditional Bulgarian Food court (double hand) textured and ready for 3D printing.

This model is DECORATIVE

Furthermore, the model is hollowed and if you print it on a proper 3D printer, you can use it as a real vessel for wine or other liquids. 3D scanned with Artec Eva This object is a cultural heritage exhibited in the Regional Historical Museum of Pernik. The museum will receive a royalty from each sale of this model. 3D printing of this item must comply with the applicable legislation and must be with size different with at least 10% from the original and additional details should be added.
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