Aerator - 3Dponics Home and Garden

ID: 3282

3D Model Details

  • Texture: Yes
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 2.74 MB
  • Upload date: 07/16/2015
  • Last update: 07/16/2015
The Aerator is used to oxygenate the water / nutrient solution. The air tube has to be inserted on the top protrusion and can be made leak proof using the 3Dponics Air Lock
The Aerator is used to oxygenate the water / nutrient solution. The air tube has to be inserted on the top protrusion and can be made leak proof using the 3Dponics Air Lock. Coins are inserted into the slots provided so that the Aerator can rest at the bottom of the nutrient container, immersed in the water / nutrient solution. Know how to make this part better? Have ideas for new parts? Visit our website ( and join our Google+ community ( to take 3Dponics to the next level!

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