Master Gunner #RoZ

ID: 23680

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: No
  • File format: obj,stl
  • File size: 122.96 MB
  • Upload date: 01/28/2025
  • Last update: 01/28/2025
This highly detailed 3D model of the prestigious Master Gunner Badge is perfect for collectors, military enthusiasts, or anyone looking for a stunning decorative piece. Featuring intricate details, including the classic emblem and refined design, this badge captures the essence of military excellence and artillery skills.

Key Features:

- High level of detail and realism
- Easily scalable to suit your needs
- Can be printed on an FDM printer without supports
- Ideal for 3D printing or digital use
- Can be used as a master model for creating molds and for scaling copies in plaster, cement, or other similar materials
- Great for creating a keychain or as a master model for metal casting
- Available in formats: STL, 3MF, OBJ
- Suitable for color printing or post-processing

Whether you're looking to print it as a collector's item, incorporate it into a larger project, or use it for functional purposes, this Master Gunner Badge model offers precision, versatility, and a wide range of applications.

Manufacturing settings
1. Material:
- PLA or ABS — These are the two popular materials for printing such models. PLA is easy to print, provides good detail, and is less prone to warping, while ABS is more durable and heat-resistant.
2. Extruder Temperature:
- PLA: 190-210°C
- ABS: 230-250°C
3. Bed Temperature (if heated bed is used):
- PLA: 50-60°C
- ABS: 90-110°C (if using a heated bed)
4. Print Speed:
- Print at a speed of 40-60 mm/s to achieve good detail and a clean finish.
5. Layer Height:
- Layer Height: 0.1-0.2 mm — For more precise and detailed printing, use 0.1 mm, or 0.2 mm for faster prints.
6. Infill:
- Infill Percentage: 20-30% — This is enough to provide strength without overloading the printer.
- Infill Pattern: Linear or triangular — This provides sufficient strength and good detail.
7. Supports:
- No supports are needed, as the model prints easily without any overhangs or challenging features.
8. Cooling:
- For PLA, use a cooling fan at 50-100% to improve detail.
- For ABS, reduce cooling to 30-50% to avoid warping.
9. Base Setup:
- Use a heated print bed to minimize the chance of warping during printing.

These settings are general recommendations and may require slight adjustments depending on your printer and materials.
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