Historical Figures Character Collection

ID: 23337

3D Model Details

  • Texture: Yes
  • Multipart model: Yes
  • File format: obj,stl
  • File size: 263.03 MB
  • Upload date: 12/22/2024
  • Last update: 12/22/2024
This is a detailed collection of six 3D character models designed for historical representation and educational purposes. Each model features careful attention to period-specific clothing and accessories. The models include:

1. Revolutionary War Era Soldier/Officer with tricorn hat and period uniform
2. Modern Youth in casual wear
3. Ancient Roman/Greek figure in traditional toga
4. WWII Era Military Soldier with helmet and equipment
5. 19th Century Civilian with beard and period clothing
6. Early 20th Century Business/Political figure in suit

Printing Recommendations:

- Recommended scale: 15-25cm height for display pieces
- Layer height: 0.1-0.15mm for detail preservation
- Support structures needed for overhanging elements (weapons, clothing folds)
- Consider splitting larger models at natural break points
- Multiple parts printing recommended for complex pieces
- Suggested infill: 15-20% for stability
- Recommended printing orientation: vertical with slight tilt
- Fine detail nozzle (0.2-0.4mm) recommended for facial features

The models appear to be designed with both historical accuracy and printability in mind, making them suitable for educational displays, collectors, or historical reenactment props. The level of detail in the clothing and accessories suggests these would be best printed on a high-resolution 3D printer with good detail capabilities.
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