Vega - The LED-lit Christmas Star

ID: 1983

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: Yes
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 7.84 MB
  • Upload date: 12/04/2014
  • Last update: 12/04/2014
With Creative Tools 3D-printable Vega Xmas Star we want to honor the winners of The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014.


With Creative Tools 3D-printable Vega Xmas Star we want to honor the winners of The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014.

Without the hard and tenacious work of Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura, today we wouldn't have efficient LED lights or HD flatscreen television sets, computers and mobile devices.

The 3D-files for Creative Tools 3D-printable Vega Xmas Star are therefore designed to enclose a standard and commonly available LED light strip.


Modular five-pointed star made of 5 identical parts
Short segments of 1.75 mm filament hold the parts together (no glue required!)
Ventilation holes provide cooling airflow
Wall-mount included for horizontal or vertical attachment
Wall-mount allows cable rotation adjustment to easily align star parallel to wall or window.
Adapted for LED strips 8 x 3 x 1000 mm (12 V, 0.5 A).


We have successfully used this star with standard low-power LED strips for indoor use. Please refer to the your LED light source manual and follow all safety instructions.


We recommend 3D-print operators to use transparent PLA plastic filament. Two (2) shells/perimeters are sufficient for strength. For faster prints “rough” resolution at 0.3 or 0.4 can be used and there is no need for infill. You can print at zero (0) percent infill. Turn off support structures. The top section of the star segments are closed automatically via “bridging”. These settings are for filament-based FFF-3D-printers only.


Roughly 70 grams of filament in total. Since the design does not need support structures, no material is wasted.


You can 3D-print in different plastic filament colours. The modular tips of the star also allow for variations in colour per tip. Colour variations can also be achieved by using LED light strips with an RGB colour control.

About this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics
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