The IceBox

ID: 14905

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: Yes
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 1.25 MB
  • Upload date: 01/11/2023
  • Last update: 01/11/2023
I recently upgraded my Zortrax M200 to be able to accept a wider range of printer filaments, and the one I've always wanted to try is a glass-fibre filament which is translucent. It's fascinating to watch it printing; when it's extruded from the printer's hot-end it looks like spider-silk and when it was finished printing the end result reminded me of ice. And that gave me an idea...

For all you fans of snow-related Disney cartoons (I think you know which one I'm talking about), may I present the IceBox. Compact and decorative so it won't take up a huge amount of space on your dressing table but still big enough for earrings, pendants, rings and anything else you feel like keeping in it. And if you should happen to accidentally Let It Go (see what I did there) when you pick it up... well it may look delicate but the glass-fibre filament actually produces a stronger finished product than the ABS I usually use, so it may look like ice but it certainly won't shatter! If you're printing it yourself I very much recommend printing it in a translucent or transparent filament, if you print it in one solid colour it won't look nearly as good.

Dimensions: 105mm long x 75mm wide x 75mm High (bottom to top of lid)

If you don't have a 3D printer but you'd really like one of these please send me a DM and we can arrange for me to produce one for you, or check out my Numonday store:
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